Global Paradise Studios


Help us get moving!

Hi everyone, Rev. Nathaniel Bolhuis, here! My wife Kate and I are just about ready to break out of our shells, and start our journey, to travel the world, to help more people!  To make this possible, we need your help! 

We are in need of approximately $12,000 to make this happen, including everything needed for the safety and refitting needed on the boat pictured.  I have located a boat suitable, as seen in the pictures.  A 1979 35 foot Hughes, designed by S&S, will be a suitable start for our circumnavigating home. 

Please consider being a part of what helps us make this movement move, so we may continue to bless communities and families as we travel!

We look forward to sharing the music, arts and culture of the first nations people from all over the world, in all parts of the world, with all of you! You are what makes this possible, and we are truly grateful for you!

Donations can be sent to

Thank you so much, for all of your support!

Much love and blessings from Rev. Nathaniel Bolhuis and Kate Turner.

GPS936 Introduction

What started as kindred spirits with parallel missions in various parts of the world coming together in a beautiful virtual family, has evolved immensely.  Initially, founder Nathaniel Bolhuis, started by reaching out to a fellow lightworker, and community builder, Allie Baumeister, and invited her to work together in uplifting and empowering others like ourselves, learning about the native cultures while sharing regenerative living techniques, including those based on native teachings from all over the world.

We are striving to network with and connect communities all over the world with resources for learning regenerative living techniques, however, this isn’t the whole story! My original dream was to start a mobile recording studio, and travel all over the world sharing unique, real music, from all different cultures of the world with those who want to hear something different, and something real from musicians who could never get recorded otherwise. This made it a fairly easy decision to just focus on the mobile studio as a hub for sharing and broadcasting the music, art, and stories of the communities we visit, and that we wanted to do it from the heart, and purely for the benefit of uplifting, empowering and educating people.

Thus, Global Paradise Studios 936 was conceived! 

We appreciate every single one of you, and all the support and love that’s been shown us over the years we’ve been working on organizing and getting things together.

On that same note, we appreciate the patience from everyone in our time of getting everything rolling for our main hub site, here on! 

Many Blessings, 

Thank you, very much,

Chi Miigwech,



News, events and happenings

Find out what's new in our global communities, and what might be changing this week!

Come check out upcoming events, and new featured music and art from our community at large! 

Check  out our community calendar for events, or workshops both virtual and in person! (Coming Soon!)

Follow along with our many charity and humanitarian projects, and efforts, and show your support!
